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5 Tips to Keep Your Smartphone Secure

All Security Reviews Staff · March 9, 2020

5 Tips to Keep Your Smartphone Secure

Malware has long been a threat to computers. As smart phones have evolved and grown more complex, these devices have become popular targets for attackers as well. Still, you shouldn’t be too worried – as long as you take the proper precautions, your phone will be secure. Here are five steps you should take to keep your iPhone, Android, or other smart phone safe from any sort of attack.

Tip #1 - Update Your Phone

Install updates to your phone’s operating system. Periodically, you will receive notification that a new update is available for your phone. Download these upgrades immediately. Most OS updates will patch loopholes, bugs, and other vulnerabilities in your phone. Closing holes in security will make it harder for malicious apps to cause damage.

Tip #2 - Security App

Download a phone security app. A good way to stop malignant apps is with a beneficial app of your own. Install a quality app and your phone will have much better protection. Make sure you’re getting a good program by researching and reading reviews for each app online. Some of the biggest names in computer antivirus software also make reliable mobile security apps, so top apps aren’t hard to find. Best of all, some security apps are free – though paid apps may offer thorougher protection.

Tip #3 - Protect Your Passwords

Password protection. Digital attacks aren’t the only ways nefarious persons can breach phones. Your phone itself needs protection from physical, analog penetrations. Putting a password on your phone will make it much harder for a thief to steal your information. Plus, if you leave your phone alone for just a few minutes, you can be confident no one has had the time to access it. Choose a complex password – no simple words, at least eight characters, and a mix of symbols, numbers, and letters.

Tip #4 - Beware of Public Wifi

Be careful on public wifi. The public wifi you’re using might be perfectly secure – or it might not. There’s little way for you to tell. The best way to keep your precious personal data to yourself is to simply not access sensitive sites on public wifi. Need to log into your bank account? Wait until you’re using internet that is definitively secure.

Tip #5 - Avoid Shady Apps

Don’t download shady apps. Malware can’t hurt your phone if you don’t ever download it. Inspect each program before you make a decision. Unless you already know the maker is reputable, do some research to ensure they are on the up and up. Ratings and reviews should alert you to risky apps. Searching online for any specific warnings wouldn’t hurt either. If an app seems suspicious, search for an alternative with a similar function.

Download only genuine apps. Downloading only from official app stores is a good idea, though malign programs will still sneak through. What’s even more important is to avoid pirated apps. Not only are pirated apps illegal, but they are much more likely to damage your phone or steal personal information.

A malicious attack on your phone could result in the theft of your credit card or bank account information, or other valuable personal data. Luckily, safeguarding your smart phone isn’t particularly difficult. Following the five steps seen above is all you need to do.

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